twitch 录像_如何通过NVIDIA GeForce Experience将您的PC游戏玩法传送到Twitch
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twitch 录像

NVIDIA’s GeForce Experience software has a built-in game streaming feature. If you have NVIDIA graphics hardware, you don’t need any additional software to stream on Twitch, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live.

NVIDIA的GeForce Experience软件具有内置的游戏流功能。 如果您具有NVIDIA图形硬件,则不需要任何其他软件即可在Twitch,Facebook Live或YouTube Live上流式传输。

NVIDIA’s streaming feature may not have all the advanced features available in , but it’s much easier to get started with and also supports webcams, microphones, status information, and custom overlays.


启用广播 (Enable Broadcasting)

To get started, you’ll need to have installed, which doesn’t necessarily come with a regular driver installation. So, go ahead and download that, install it, and then sign in.

首先,您需要安装 ,但不一定要定期安装驱动程序。 因此,继续下载并安装它,然后登录。

After that, you just have to press Alt+Z to open the GeForce Experience overlay. You can do this anywhere—in game or even on the Windows desktop.

之后,您只需要按Alt + Z即可打开GeForce Experience叠加层。 您可以在游戏中甚至在Windows桌面上的任何地方进行此操作。

If the overlay doesn’t appear, you’ll need to open the GeForce Experience application and head to Settings > General > In-Game Overlay. Enable the overlay if it’s disabled and note the keyboard shortcut that opens it. You can also click “Settings” to customize the keyboard shortcut.

如果没有出现叠加层,则需要打开GeForce Experience应用程序,然后转到“设置”>“常规”>“游戏内叠加层”。 如果禁用了覆盖,请启用它,并注意打开它的键盘快捷键。 您也可以单击“设置”以自定义键盘快捷键。

Click the cog-shaped “Settings” icon, and then click the “Broadcast LIVE” button. Ensure that the “Turn on broadcasting” option at the top of the screen is set to “Yes.”

单击齿轮形状的“设置”图标,然后单击“直播”按钮。 确保将屏幕顶部的“打开广播”选项设置为“是”。

From here, you can also customize your Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube streaming quality settings. You’ll also find custom overlay options at the bottom of this screen, allowing you to overlay any custom image on top of your stream. You can return here to tweak these settings in the future.

在这里,您还可以自定义Facebook,Twitch和YouTube流质量设置。 您还将在此屏幕底部找到自定义叠加选项,使您可以在流顶部叠加任何自定义图片。 您可以返回此处以将来调整这些设置。

登录帐户 (Sign Into Accounts)

To sign into your accounts, click the cog-shaped “Settings” icon in the overlay, and then and click “Connect” setting. Click whichever service you want to set up—Facebook, Twitch, or YouTube—and then click the “Log In” button. Enter the username and password of the account with which you want to broadcast.

要登录您的帐户,请单击叠加层中呈齿轮状的“设置”图标,然后单击“连接”设置。 单击您要设置的任何服务(Facebook,Twitch或YouTube),然后单击“登录”按钮。 输入您要广播的帐户的用户名和密码。

配置您的网络摄像头和麦克风 (Configure Your Webcam and Microphone)

To configure how your microphone works, open the overlay and click the microphone icon. Select a mode—Always On, Push to Talk, or Off. By default, the push-to-talk key is the Grave key (`) just above the Tab key on your keyboard. You can change it to another key by heading to Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts.

要配置麦克风的工作方式,请打开覆盖图,然后单击麦克风图标。 选择一种模式-始终打开,一键通或关闭。 默认情况下,按键通话键是键盘上Tab键上方的Grave键( `) 。 您可以通过转到设置>键盘快捷键将其更改为另一个键。

To configure the size and shape of your webcam, head to Settings > HUD Layout, and then choose a position and size for the camera feed on your screen. Select “Off” here if you don’t want the video from your webcam appearing on the stream.

要配置网络摄像头的大小和形状,请转到“设置”>“ HUD布局”,然后为屏幕上的摄像头供稿选择一个位置和大小。 如果您不希望网络摄像头中的视频出现在视频流中,请在此处选择“关闭”。

At any point while streaming, you can press Alt+Z to open the overlay and click the microphone and video icons to enable or disable your mic and webcam.

在流式传输过程中的任何时候,您都可以按Alt + Z打开叠加层,然后单击麦克风和视频图标以启用或禁用麦克风和网络摄像头。

开始广播 (Start Broadcasting)

To actually start broadcasting with GeForce Experience, first launch the game you want to stream. Next, press Alt+Z to open the overlay, and then click the “Broadcast LIVE” button. Click the “Start” option to start broadcasting your gameplay.

要开始使用GeForce Experience进行广播,请首先启动您要播放的游戏。 接下来,按Alt + Z打开叠加层,然后单击“直播”按钮。 单击“开始”选项开始播放您的游戏。

You’ll be prompted to choose the service to which you want to stream. If you haven’t already signed into the service you want to use, you can do it from here. You can also provide a title, location, and privacy setting for the stream. The exact options available here depend on the service to which you’re streaming.

系统将提示您选择要流式传输的服务。 如果您尚未登录要使用的服务,则可以从此处进行。 您还可以为流提供标题,位置和隐私设置。 此处可用的确切选项取决于您要流式传输的服务。

Click “Go LIVE” when you’re ready to start streaming.


While you’re streaming, the “Broadcast LIVE” button on the overlay turns green. To stop broadcasting, press Alt+Z to open the overlay, click the “Broadcast LIVE” button, and then click the “Stop” command.

在流式传输时,叠加层上的“直播”按钮变为绿色。 要停止广播,请按Alt + Z打开叠加层,单击“实时广播”按钮,然后单击“停止”命令。

If the stream appears slow, there’s a good chance your Internet connection can’t provide the upload bandwidth required. Try heading to Settings > Broadcast LIVE and lowering your resolution, bitrate, or framerate to speed things up. You’ll have to stop and restart the broadcast for these changes to take effect.

如果流看起来很慢,则很有可能是您的Internet连接无法提供所需的上传带宽。 尝试前往“设置”>“直播”并降低分辨率,比特率或帧率以加快处理速度。 您必须停止并重新启动广播,这些更改才能生效。

If you’re uploading anything—for example, if you have a BitTorrent client running—you should also pause that. This makes more upload bandwidth available for your stream.

如果要上传任何内容(例如,如果正在运行BitTorrent客户端),则还应该暂停该操作。 这样可以为您的流提供更多的上传带宽。

更改键盘快捷键 (Change Keyboard Shortcuts)

All of these actions we’ve talked about also have keyboard shortcuts you can use. To view and customize them, open the overlay and head to Settings > Keyboard shortcuts. Here are the default default keyboard shortcuts you can either use or change:

我们已经讨论过的所有这些操作还具有可以使用的键盘快捷键。 要查看和自定义它们,请打开覆盖图,然后转到“设置”>“键盘快捷键”。 以下是您可以使用或更改的默认默认键盘快捷键:

  • Alt+Z: Open overlay

    Alt + Z:打开叠加层

  • Grave Key (`): Push to talk


  • Ctrl+Alt+M: Toggle microphone on or off

    Ctrl + Alt + M:打开或关闭麦克风

  • Alt+F8: Toggle broadcasting on or off

    Alt + F8:开启或关闭广播

  • Alt+F7: Pause or resume broadcasting

    Alt + F7:暂停或继续播放

  • Alt+F6: Toggle camera on or off

    Alt + F6:开启或关闭相机

  • Alt+F5: Toggle custom overlay on or off

    Alt + F5:启用或禁用自定义叠加层

Like we mentioned, while not as full-featured as other tools, NVIDIA’s streaming option is great for getting started with streaming. And if you’re already using NVIDIA gear, it’s free and easy to set up.

就像我们提到的那样,虽然NVIDIA的流媒体功能虽然不如其他工具那么全功能,但却非常适合入门。 而且,如果您已经在使用NVIDIA设备,则可以免费轻松设置。


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